TedxVitosha Limitless
We were invited to participate to TedxVitosha, Bulgaria. The event saw us involved first in a morning talk, where various speakers and professionals met and interacted in the full spirit of Ted: to create and connect diverse communities. This is a time of sharing and dialogue between members of different professions, who go beyond their boundaries together and interact in workshops’ moments. New ideas and new perspectives come together in a unique space where you need to jump, but with a parachute.

We participated with a live hand scribing that developed the concept of LIMITLESS. Going beyond oneself is a process that takes time and hard work: turning ideas into reality and without fear is possible, thanks to connections and confrontation. One should not be afraid to jump in and create, shaping the impossible with the right flexibility. The topics we dealt with made us rediscover the beauty of interacting with the right amount of time, but at the same time opened a window into the future, talking about progress and going native again.

Even an elephant can be a tightrope walker! Ted challenges creative thinking and touches uncharted planets. Development is diving into deep, unknown waters, but the spectacle is worth the risk. Diverse professions meet on the same page through the power of metaphor: from inventors, to diving experts, to graphic facilitators. Connections triggers a creative mosaic and crosses all boundaries, physical and mental.