One of the priorities of Yobi is to analyze and choose the best language to connect the values of every company to the current moment. Illustrations, storytelling, project branding: all of these are utilized to make the contents clearer and accessible in order to spread your corporate culture.
The sharing of knowledge creates close-knit and coherent communities with corporate values by facilitating the updating of corporate policies and practices with transparency.
Through our visualizations, we map frameworks, methods and processes. Thus leading to more agile analysis of issues, identifying new solutions and planning new activities, “challenging” the work groups to put the skills and knowledge learned into practice.
Quick and immediate, our visualizations permit you to reduce time in the search of knowledge, thus guaranteeing that all employees have access to the right information when they need it.
We help to create the message and the underlying promises that are the basis of a specific project. We stimulate the transmission of the strength of one’s motivations and the potential opportunities through a pitch. We help you to honestly and openly clarify what (and how) it should be done to allow stakeholders to have trust in a project, through a real process of dedicated Branding: from the logo, to posters on the company walls and to the creation of merchandising. We support its growth by creating platforms where you can update stakeholders on the progress of the project and measure the performance. Eventually, we can organize an event which formally signals the end of the project, describing the results and gathering feedback and appreciation from those who took part in the project.