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  • YEAR:


Tangible invited us to Expand, an event that through employee engagement aims to create concrete impact for workers by putting listening and relationships first. We got involved in highlighting opportunities for change and suggesting strategies to strengthen leadership: we directed the rudder of the company’s intentions and looked for mediation in their personal business context.

Connection Expand!


During the morning, we made handmade live scribes in which we collected and synthesized the speakers’ content for the audience. Making relationships is a journey that has openness, listening, and making lasting connections at its core. Leadership is confrontation and constant learning. In contrast, the afternoon saw us involved on the relational and emotional content that followed the facilitation activity put into practice during the workshop: get your hands dirty with your uniqueness in order to catalyze change.



All the shades of the day were collected and none left behind: scribing is the exact way to engage and keep a person and an entire work team involved. By putting care first we paint a beautiful relational landscape.

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